Hello LAHSA Students,
This past week we were all shocked by the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, by police. The pain is deep because George Floyd is one of many Black Americans who have been killed in encounters with police, and this reflects racism in our society that has existed since the beginning of our country. I would like us to come together as a school to see how we can promote anti-racism and to express our support for justice in all areas of our society--education, the economy, law enforcement, the legal system, health care, and housing.
It is difficult that we can not be at school together to talk through what has happened and what it means for us. If you would like to talk about what has happened or you are experiencing anxiety, your teachers and counselors are here to support you. Ms. Lopez held a Zoom meeting today, and she has posted the information on Schoology. Please also let me know if you have questions or concerns.
I have attached a quote from Michelle Obama that reflects my feelings about what is happening.
-- Susan Canjura
Principal, LAHSA
Please also view the statement from Austin Beutner, LAUSD Superintendent